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713 lines
(copywrite 1985, David Fibush)
1.0 Getting Started 2
1.1 Option Menus 2
1.2 Basic Play 2
2.0 Changing Options 4
2.1 House Rules (first menu) 4
2.2 Point Count Weights (first menu) 5
2.3 Play & Display Options (second menu) 5
3.0 Manual Bet Inputs 7
4.0 Shuffle 8
5.0 Deal 8
6.0 Play 8
6.1 Insurance 8
6.2 Player's Blackjack 9
6.3 User Play 9
6.4 Dealer Play 10
6.5 End of Play 10
6.6 End of Game 10
6.7 Data Summary and Exit Options 11
7.0 Strategy 12
7.1 Hard Hands 12
7.2 Soft Hands 12
7.3 Hands That Can Be Split 12
7.4 Surrender 12
1.0 Getting Started
System requirements: IBM PC, 128K, Mono or graphics display
Your master disk contains the following files:
BJ.COM main program for the blackjack game.
STRATEGY.DTA strategy data used by the program.
OPTIONS.DTA options data used by the program.
BJ.DOC this documentation file.
Only the first two files are needed to run the program. The
program will create an OPTIONS.DTA file if it does not exist.
STRATEGY.DTA is a text file which can be created or modified with
any text editor however you must use the exact original as a
To protect your BLACKJACK STRATEGY game you should always operate
using a working copy of the program disk. Use the following
procedure to make the working copy.
1. Format a blank disk. Include your operating system if you
wish to boot your computer from the work copy.
2. With your master disk in drive a: and the formatted disk
in drive b: copy all programs from the master to the work
copy using the command Copy a:*.* b:
Place your work copy in drive a: and at the prompt A> type the
command BJ <carriage return>.
1.1 Option Menus
As soon as the program has loaded into computer memory you will
see the first option menu (shown in figure 1) which displays the
House Rules and Point Count Weights data from the file
OPTIONS.DTA. If you do not wish to change the options enter 0
<carriage return> or just <carriage return> to continue to the
Play & Display Options menu (shown in figure 2). Again you may
enter 0 if you wish to go directly to the game without changing
any options. Use the original default conditions to start playing
the game immediately and become familiar with its operation.
1.2 Basic Play
With the original default conditions you are the third player at
a five player table, bets are automatically made at 10 units so
you need only play your hand. Press F1 for a display of the
possible actions. See section 6.0 for detailed playing
* DEALER PLAY * 11. Weight for A = -1
1. Dealer hits soft 17 N 12. Weight for 2 = 0
13. Weight for 3 = 1
* SPLITTING * 14. Weight for 4 = 1
2. 1 card only on split Aces Y 15. Weight for 5 = 1
3. Allow split of unlike 10s N 16. Weight for 6 = 1
4. Allow more than 1 split Y 17. Weight for 7 = 1
18. Weight for 8 = 0
* DOUBLING * 19. Weight for 9 = 0
5. Allow double on split Y 20. Weight for 10 = -1
6. Allow double 10 and 11 only N 21. Weight for J = -1
7. Allow double on 3+ cards N 22. Weight for Q = -1
23. Weight for K = -1
8. Number of Decks 6
9. Shuffle Percent 80
10. Allow surrender N
Item to change or 0 for no change _
Figure 1. First Menu
1. Position 6 5 4 3 2 1 10. 1st card down on autoplay N
User ? N N N Y N N 11. Player hand point count Y
2. Number of Players 5 12. Player present bet size Y
3. Manual bets for player N 13. Player present holdings Y
4. Speed of play (1 to 20) 10 14. Number of cards not dealt Y
15. Number of hands played N
* GENERAL VALUES * 16. Size of dealer's bank N
6. Number of Hands 100 17. Point count of cards shown N
7. Basic bet size 10 18. Record of decisions made N
8. Initial player holdings 1000 19. Sound on Y
9. Strategy file STRATEGY.DTA
20. Return to House Rules menu
Item to change or 0 for no change
Figure 2. Second Menu
2.0 Changing Options
When each menu is displayed you may change a value by entering
the corresponding item number. You are then promped to enter
either a value or a yes/no response. A carriage return will give
the default value. The menu is then reprinted showing the new
value and you may enter more changes or continue to the next
step. If you have made any changes they may be saved before the
game starts.
2.1 House Rules (first menu)
Option 1. Dealer Hits Soft 17 - this gives an advantage to the
house since there is a good chance to improve the hand. If this
is set to "N" the dealer will hit all 16s and stand on all 17s.
Option 2. Allow 1 Card Only on Split Aces - split aces are a
powerful hand, some casinos will only give you one card for each
hand in this case.
Option 3. Allow split of unlike 10s - this means you can split a
combination like Jack - Queen. Although this might seem to be an
advantage it is never advisable to split 10s as 20 is a very good
Option 4. Allow more than 1 split - definitely an advantage to
the player hence limited to one split by some casinos. In
Blackjack Strategy the maximum amount of splits is two with five
or less players and only one split with six players due to screen
size limitations.
Option 5. Allow double on split - this gives an improved
advantage to the player since you only double if you have a good
chance to win. If this is set to "N" a double is not allowed on
split hands.
Option 6. Allow split on 10 and 11 only - many casinos have this
Option 7. Allow split on 3 or more cards - a fairly unusual
option of considerable advantage to the player.
Option 8. Number of decks - a number between 1 and 10 as
determined by the house management. Some casinos have tables with
different numbers of decks. The smallest number of decks is
advantageous to "card counters" however when one deck is used it
is often shuffled about half way through to limit the counter's
Option 9. Shuffle percent - the point in the deck which triggers
the next shuffle when a hand is completed. Generally around 80%
for multiple decks and as low as 50% for a single deck. You may
select a value between 50% and 99%.
Option 10. Allow surrender - you may surrender your original hand
for one-half of your bet. This action takes place after the
dealer has checked for a blackjack when your turn to play comes.
This is advantageous to the player with a bad hand when the
dealer has a high card showing.
2.2 Point Count Weights (first menu)
Options 11 through 23 on the first menu allow you to set the
weight for each card in a suit to be used for card counting. The
weights chosen will depend on the system you wish to use, see the
bibliography for reference material. Blackjack Strategy will keep
track of the point count and either display it continuously or
momentarily at your request.
2.3 Play and Display Options (second menu)
Option 1. User Inputs - Each of the active player positions
(there can be up to 6) will be played either automatically by the
computer or manually by you, the user. By setting just one
position to "Y" you simulate an actual game where you are playing
that position. Note that positions are numbered from right to
left which is the dealing order at the blackjack table. If you
wish to play more than one position for more practice at making
play decisions then set the desired number of positions to "Y".
For completely automatic play set all the positions to "N" and
the computer will play all the hands. This allows you to sit back
and watch or let the computer play a few thousand hands to
evaluate the automatic strategy or one of your design.
Option 2. Number of Players - Values from 1 to 6 are allowed. Due
to screen space limitations, splitting a second time can only
take place if there are 5 or less players. You would be surprised
how common this can be if you are using 6 to 10 decks. Other
numbers of active positions are available to suit your desired
playing conditions. Remember you can manually play any or all of
the positions.
Option 3. Manual Bets for Players - If you want to modulate your
bets set this to "Y". In that case you will have to supply a bet
input for each position you are playing. Bets must be multiples
of 2. When placing your bet a <carriage return> gives the value
of the Basic Bet if desired. When Manual Bets is set to "N" the
computer automatically bets the Basic Bet each time.
Option 4. Speed of Play - A value which controls the speed of the
game. The highest speed will play about 3000 individual player
hands per hour with all positions in automatic play which is
useful for evaluating different strategies. The slower speeds
will help you learn to count cards. Try different numbers to get
the effect you like.
Option 6. Number of Hands - This specifies the number of hands
that will be played before the program automatically stops and
offers an exit point or various continuation possibilities. Large
numbers are useful for evaluating strategies or just not being
bothered with restarting the game. There are interrupt methods to
access the exit options at the end of each hand or at any point
in the game you have the following control possibilities:
Control-S stops action, hit any key to restart.
Control-C quits the game and returns to the operating system.
Option 7. Size of Basic Bet - bet size to be used if no manual
input is given. This value must be a multiple of 2.
Option 8. Initial Player Holdings - this is how much money each
player starts with. Don't lose more than you can afford.
Option 9. Strategy File Name - If you have a number of different
strategies you may select the desired one. The program will check
to see if the file exists but you are responsible to insure that
the data is all correctly located in the file.
Various values can be displayed on the screen as the game is in
operation. A setting of "Y" displays them and a setting of "N"
keeps them off. Each is described below.
Option 10. First card down on automatic play - For a more
realistic (but less informative) display you can have the first
card dealt down on hands you are not playing. At the appropriate
times (bust, end-of-hand, etc) the card will be shown with a
delay so you can see what it was. If you are using this option it
would make a more realistic situation to set option 11, hand
point count, to "N".
Option 11. Hand count values - this will show the point value of
each hand just above the first card as play progresses. Turn this
off if you are doing some serious practicing.
Option 12. Bet size - shows the present bet value for each
Option 13. Player holdings - shows how much money each player
has. "There's time enough for counting when the dealings done".
Unless you are about to run out and want to double or split. (The
bank will "lend" you the money as negative holdings are possible)
Option 14. Cards not dealt - a graphical display that shows the
number of quarter-decks used and those that have not been dealt.
The exclaimation point indicates the quarter-deck that contains
the shuffle trigger point.
Option 15. Number of hands played - shows the number of hands
Option 16. Size of dealer's bank - shows the amount of money in
the dealer's bank. The dealer starts with 10,000.
Option 17. Point count of cards shown - a continuous display of
the sum of the weights of all cards whose faces have been
displayed since the previous shuffle. This value is available on
a momentary basis if requested by the player during play of a
Option 18. Record of decisions made - each action taken by the
user-player is compared against the strategy. If the action does
not agree with the strategy the computer will beep to let you
know of your "error". A running count of the actions and percent
correct may be displayed.
Option 19. Sound on - the beep described in option 18 may be
turned on or off.
3.0 Manual Bet Inputs
If you have selected the option for manual bet inputs a screen
similar to figure 3 will be displayed at the start of each hand.
Only even numbers from 2 to 100 will be accepted. The figure
shows that Player 1 bet 20, Player 2 bet 10 and Player 3 is being
asked for a bet value. The function keys allow easy input for
multiples of the basic bet. Push F1 for a help menu.
Deck [..*****************!****]
Place your bets.
Multiples of 2 only.
Player 4 Player 3 Player 2 Player 1
Your bet?
Bet=10 Bet=20
Hold=355 Hold=780 Hold=600 Hold=1255
Figure 3. Manual Bet Screen
4.0 Shuffle
This is automatic at the start of the game, if the end of the
deck is reached during a hand or and when the cards left with the
dealer at the end of a hand are less than the calculated amount
based on the Shuffle Percent (see option 9 in the first menu).
Each shuffle is a computer representation of cards randomly
chosen from the decks to be used. Cards are then placed in that
order to be used until the next shuffle.
5.0 Deal
Cards are dealt in the usual order. The first card to the dealer
is shown "down" as are the first cards to automatically played
hands (if that option is chosen), all the rest are up. After the
cards are dealt various optional values are displayed, such as,
hand number, player bets, etc.
6.0 Play
6.1 Insurance
If the dealer is showing an Ace, all user controlled hands are
asked if they would like insurance. Acceptable responses are:
F9 or Y or y for Yes
F10 or N or n for No
Insurance is a side bet for an amount equal to one-half the
present bet on the hand. If the dealer has a blackjack, insurance
pays 2 to 1 hence you break even if your hand (say a 20) would
have lost to the dealer's 21. At that point the screen is cleared
and a new hand is dealt.
When the dealer does not have a blackjack you lose your side bet
and play continues. Automatically played hands do not take the
insurance bet.
6.2 Player's Blackjack
Any players that have blackjack are immediately paid at 1.5 to 1
and their first card is shown, if necessary, and then the cards
removed from the "table".
6.3 User Play
If hand point count values are to be shown it will be displayed
at the top of the hand in the form "NN H" for hard hands or "NN
S" for soft hands. As the individual hand is played the value
will be updated as an aid in decision making. The hand values are
also displayed on automatically played hands.
The user is then asked to make play decisions based on their
cards and the allowed possibilities by answering the prompt
"Action" with the following choices available:
F1 displays a one line help display of these responses.
F2 or E or e to go to the exit options at the end of the
hand. Normal play continues.
F3 or L or l for look which will momentarily display the
decision programmed into the strategy. This is like learning
from flash cards, you can always look at the answer if
F4 or V or v to view the hand count value. This is of
interest if the hand count option is off. It simulates
asking the dealer for the count.
F5 momentarily displays the card count based on the
weighting system being used.
F6 or Q or q to surrender (or quit) only with the original
hand if that action is allowed by the house rules.
F7 or Y or y will split the hand. If the player has a "pair"
they may be split and played as two hands with the same bet
required on each hand as the original bet. When the hand is
split each hand is played separately. If a second pair were
to be dealt on either hand and a second split is allowed
(provided there are 5 or less player positions) and then
there are three hands played for that position.
F8 or D or d for double when allowed by the house rules. If
this is selected the bet is doubled and only one more card
is dealt to that hand.
F9 or H or h for hit which deals another card to the hand.
F10 or S or s for stand which ends the decision process for
that hand.
Following the action determined by the decision the hand value is
calculated. If the total is greater than 21 the hand is bust
which is indicated in the hand value location and the cards are
removed from the "table" after first showing any down card. If
the total is 21 or less, further action is requested in the case
where the previous action was a hit.
Since all this action happens automatically if no user positions
have been specified there is another "escape" to the exit
options. If you hold the space bar or any other key down during
the end of the hand you will interrupt the action and move to the
exit options by entering a <carriage return> when requested by
the program.
6.4 Dealer Play
After all hands are played the dealer's hand is played. First the
down card is shown then the dealer hits 16 and stands on hard or
soft 17 depending on the house rules option setting.
6.5 End of Play
Each hand still active (not blackjack or bust) is compared to the
dealer's to determine win, lose or push. Player's holdings and
the bank are adjusted accordingly.
6.6 End of Game
New hands will continue to be dealt until the hand count reaches
the maximum set by the options. Shuffling will occur as needed.
Once the hand count maximum is reached a summary of the data for
that run of hands will be displayed along with the exit options.
6.7 Data Summary and Exit Options
Figure 4 shows the data summary and exit options. The highest,
lowest and final holdings are shown for each player along with
the hand at which those holdings occurred and the "efficiency" at
that point. Efficiency is defined as winings divided by the total
amount bet expressed as a percentage. This calculated value can
be used to evaluate the quality of your strategy as modified by
the "laws of chance". The values shown are typical for the built
in strategy contained in the file STRATEGY.DTA.
At this point you have three exit options:
[E]nd the game and return to the operating system.
[N]ew options essentially restarts the game by returning to
the options screen and reseting the hands played to 0.
[P]rint will send a copy to the data summary to your line
c/r <carriage return> will continue the play until the
maximum number of hands is reached or on a hand-by-hand
basis if the hands are already at the maximum.
DATA SUMMARY Strategy file name = STRATEGY.DTA
Player 6 Player 5 Player 4 Player 3 Player 2 Player 1
holdings 2015 1800 1735 1920 1710 2075
at hand 6036 1586 2028 1496 2023 4243
efficiency 1.39% 4.19% 3.02% 5.11% 2.93% 2.10%
holdings 865 285 135 590 -70 740
at hand 40 5764 5547 5843 5482 129
efficiency -26.47% -1.03% -1.30% -0.58% -1.63% -16.56%
holdings 1920 530 635 785 250 1415
at hand 6140 6140 6140 6140 6140 6140
efficiency 1.24% -0.64% -0.50% -0.29% -1.02% 0.56%
Total Amount Won = -465 Total decisions = 0
Total Amount Bet = 443250 Total correct = 0
Total Hands Played = 37671 Percent correct = 100.00%
Overall Efficiency = -0.10%
[E]nd game, [N]ew options, [P]rint summary, or c/r to continue
Figure 4. Data Summary and Exit Options
7.0 Strategy
The strategy used for automatic play (and as a prompt if you
"look" before making your decision point) is determined by
characters in a text file approximately shown in figure 5. You
may change the controlling characters with a text editor but it
is critical that each one be in the correct location for proper
operation. Make a copy of STRATEGY.DTA under some other name and
then use your text editor in the overwrite mode. The name of the
new file may then be entered under option 9 of the second menu or
you may rename the altered file to the default name STRATEGY.DTA
for use by the program. Each table has the dealer up card values
across the top and player hand values shown on the left and in
the middle. Action determining characters are <S>tand, <H>it,
<D>ouble, <Y>es do split and <Q>uit as in surrender.
If no strategy file exists on the disk a "dumb strategy" of hit
16 or less, stand on 17 or more will be used.
7.1 Hard Hands
These are hands that do not contain an Ace valued at 11. If they
contain only two cards or if a double is otherwise allowed by the
house rules the right side of the first table is used. Only
player values down to 4 need to be considered as lower values
must contain an Ace and would be determined in the second table.
7.2 Soft Hands
These hands contain 1 Ace valued at 11 which could be reduced to
1 if the subsequent hit were to cause a "bust". Only values down
to 12 need to be considered as 2 Aces is the lowest soft hand.
7.3 Hands That Can Be Split
In this table the "Y" stands for, yes do split. The other
characters indicate the action of choice rather than split and
are assumed to be <N>o in automatic operation. Only even values
for the player considered as they are all pairs. The only soft
pair is 2 Aces.
7.4 Surrender
"Q" for quit is used for surrender to differentiate it from the
other choices. When the "Q" occurs in the table it will be
interpreted as an "H" if surrender is not allowed by the house
rules option setting. Therefore you do not want to put a "Q" in a
location that should be split, double or stand except when
actually using the surrender option.
HARD HANDS Dealer Shows
|....Can not Double........| |.........Can Double.......|
Player 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
21 S S S S S S S S S S 21 S S S S S S S S S S
20 S S S S S S S S S S 20 S S S S S S S S S S
19 S S S S S S S S S S 19 S S S S S S S S S S
18 S S S S S S S S S S 18 S S S S S S S S S S
17 S S S S S S S S S S 17 S S S S S S S S S S
16 S S S S S H H Q Q Q 16 S S S S S H H Q Q Q
15 S S S S S H H H Q Q 15 S S S S S H H H Q Q
14 S S S S S H H H Q Q 14 S S S S S H H H Q Q
13 S S S S S H H H H H 13 S S S S S H H H H H
12 H H S S S H H H H H 12 H H S S S H H H H H
11 H H H H H H H H H H 11 D D D D D D D D D H
10 H H H H H H H H H H 10 D D D D D D D D H H
9 H H H H H H H H H H 9 H D D D D H H H H H
8 H H H H H H H H H H 8 H H H H H H H H H H
7 H H H H H H H H H H 7 H H H H H H H H H H
6 H H H H H H H H H H 6 H H H H H H H H H H
5 H H H H H H H H H H 5 H H H H H H H H H H
4 H H H H H H H H H H 4 H H H H H H H H H H
SOFT HANDS Dealer Shows
|....Can not Double........| |.........Can Double.......|
Player 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
21 S S S S S S S S S S 21 S S S S S S S S S S
20 S S S S S S S S S S 20 S S S S S S S S S S
19 S S S S S S S S S S 19 S S S S S S S S S S
18 S S S S S S S H H H 18 S D D D D S S H H H
17 H H H H H H H H H H 17 H D D D D H H H H H
16 H H H H H H H H H H 16 H H D D D H H H H H
15 H H H H H H H H H H 15 H H D D D H H H H H
14 H H H H H H H H H H 14 H H H D D H H H H H
13 H H H H H H H H H H 13 H H H D D H H H H H
12 H H H H H H H H H H 12 H H H H H H H H H H
|......Player Hard.........| |.......Player Soft........|
Player 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
20 S S S S S S S S S S 20
18 Y Y Y Y Y S Y Y S S 18
16 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 16
14 Y Y Y Y Y Y H H H H 14
12 H Y Y Y Y H H H H H 12 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
10 D D D D D D D D H H 10
8 H H H H H H H H H H 8
6 H H Y Y Y Y H H H H 6
4 H H Y Y Y Y H H H H 4
Figure 5. Strategy Text (approximate)